One of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most well known shows.
Northumberland Gazette, March 22nd 2001.
It was evident from the outset that with a complex musical score and song lyrics, a great deal of work had been carried out during the run up to the performance week by a very talented group.
Although there were some fine individual performances, the opera-like chorus was a highlight and sang with great volume and harmony. The orchestra were faultless and left me humming the tunes all the way home. This was a very visual production, the set was majestic and the audience was carried from scene to scene with ease.
The plot was not a strong aspect of the show, but the character interpretation more than made up for this. Peter Brown played an excellent role as Captain Corcoran the Commanding Officer of the Pinafore, he acted the part with authority and held the attention of the audience throughout. Likewise, Arlene Cadman played her role with much enthusiasm and spirit. David Wilson performed fittingly as the energetic Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Joseph Porter. Other characters played by Sarah-Jane Cross, Anthony Stoker and Norman Luke, also caught the imagination.
It was difficult to find fault with such a polished performance, I am now aware that by nature, Gilbert and Sullivan shows are not easy to construct, however it was with ease that the whole company presented themselves. Paul Toward the producer and Glen Hogg, musical director, along with all involved should be congratulated on their efforts, it would prove difficult, I imagine, to find a more ‘professional’ amateur dramatics groups.”